Pushing Buttons - solo piano (2023)
Twist, Then Pull - contrabass and fixed media (2023)
Three Benedictions - voice and piano (2022)
The Brutalberg Variations - remix (2021)
Suspense - film score (2021)
Whitman Fragments - voice and violin (2021)
Toward a Beaming Uncertainty - solo piano (2019)
Put Your Ear to the River You Hear Trees - percussion and piano (2019)
This Weight That Wants to Fall - violin and piano (2018)
And Yet You Have Seen - parlour drama (2018)
Everything’s Fine and Nothing’s Ever Been Wrong - string quartet (2017)
Garden - soprano, violin, viola, and guitar (2017)
As If a Phantom Caress’d Me - voice and piano (2017)
An Element Ungrounded - chamber orchestra (2017)
Touch Has a Memory - solo contrabass (2017)
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is - viola, violoncello, and contrabass (2016)
Still Instruments - saxophone quartet (2016)
Transmogrification - flute, guitar, and contrabass (2016)
Entente - trombone choir (2015)
Axis Mundi - string orchestra (2015)
Misdeed - solo violin/viola (2015)
…or did you beg? - flute, viola, and harp (2015)
Exude - marimba and string quartet (2014)
Confessions of a Baldwin Acrosonic - fixed media (2014)
Denude - piano trio (2014)
Deep Seated - solo piano (2013)